Shildon AFC are running a virtual family friendly race day with help from Iron Horse FC committee.
Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: FLPTX6TZusFCHF5yCBverP
Funds are raised for Iron Horse FC, Shildon AFC and Team Solan.
Shildon AFC family-friendly race day.

Race day will start on group chat at 2.30pm Sunday 31st May and the 1st race at 3.10pm, the next race 20 minutes later until all 8 have been ran.
In between some of the races there will be a Boris Swindog’s tasks, so keep your eyes peeled as cash prizes for the winners🤩 There will £50 prize for the best dressed. This can be normal race attire or can be fancy dress.
There are 8 horses per race. Race cards will be sent out to punters Tuesday 26th May 8pm and need to be returned before Saturday 30th May 11.00am
All horses will be given a random price on the race card by ourselves to make it easier for us.
Once you have paid your entry fee you will be added to whatsapp group where a YouTube link will be posted for each race on the given off time. Everyone watches the race at the same time this way on YouTube. Race day information and entertainment will be posted in here on race day.
£10 pound entry fee gives you entry into the 8 races. With £8 going into prize pot and £2 into the community pot.
ALL bets to be placed and paid for by Saturday 30th May 11.00am.
2pt stake per race –
2pt if you bet on your horse to win the race or,
1pt each way for your horse to finish in top 3 (1/4 of odds)
2pt win on a 10/1 returns 22 points (including points staked)
1pt ew on a 10/1 place returns 3.5pts (includes place stake) a win would return 14.5pts
A league table will be posted after every race.
If there is a tie it will go to most 1st place finishes, then down to 2nds and so on. Another race will be used if still all square to determine places.
You can enter more than one betslip if you like.
Winnings to be distributed as follows
1st place 20%
2nd place 15%
3rd place 10%
4th place 7.5%
5th place 5%
Spot prizes 2.5% some cash prizes, entry into Shildon AFC hospitality suite for a game, alcohol and much more
40% to the club which will be put into our go fund me page, 10% of this go fund me total will be donated to Team Solan.
Sponsors have the opportunity to sponsor (business exposure) a race for £25 pound in which the name of your business will be mentioned, your own custom graphic can be advertised for all players to see. You will be able to add a clickable link to your social media and website. (as part of this sponsorship you will be asked to additionally sell the 8 horses to whoever you like, horses are 5 per horse and can be named as anything the individual chooses as long as it’s clean. As part of this sponsorship, you can include an intro video or a challenge for all racegoers (feel free to give away something for the winner)
To enter into the race day click the link for the WhatsApp group and follow instructions from there.