Author: Martyn Tweddle

Coming Soon on YouTube ….

Starting from tomorrow evening, Shildon AFC TV will be bringing interviews from the players.

Wilf Tray and Adam Gill have both been busy interviewing the players over Zoom and Michael has been hard at work editing them.

In the first Interview, Billy Greulich Smith talks to about his injury, some favourite moments, and football in general.

The Interview will Premiere on YouTube tomorrow evening at 7:30pm. Please click subscribe on our YouTube channel and also select notifications so that you get notified when the next interview is available.

Shildon AFC TV YouTube Channel

FA Vase – Update

Today the FA has issued the following update for the 2020-21 FA Vase.


Clubs participating in The Buildbase FA Vase 2020-21

Following the suspension of this season’s Buildbase FA Vase Competition on 31 December 2020 due to Government restrictions during the period of the national lockdown, the purpose of this communication is to confirm the following details which have been agreed by The FA National Game Board for the restart of 2020-21 Buildbase FA Vase Competition.

The main objective was to ensure the Competition could be completed in its usual format, with all remaining rounds being played on-field, and to ensure the Final can be played as part of FA Non-League Finals Day at Wembley Stadium in May.


Revised Schedule


The revised schedule below is based on non-elite football being permitted to resume from 29 March, as per the latest Government Roadmap.


Third Round Proper                       (4 outstanding matches) Saturday 10 April 2021 (postponed matches to be rescheduled within five day Postponement Window, on or before Thursday 15 April)


Fourth Round Proper                     Saturday 17 April 2021 (postponed matches to be rescheduled within five day Postponement Window, on or before Thursday 22 April)


Fifth Round Proper                         Saturday 24 April 2021 (postponed matches to be rescheduled within five day Postponement Window, on or before Thursday 29 April)


Sixth Round Proper                        Saturday 1 May 2021 (postponed matches to be rescheduled within five day Postponement Window, on or before Thursday 6 May)


Semi Final                                           Saturday 8 May 2021 (postponed matches to be rescheduled within five day Postponement Window, on or before Thursday 13 May)


Final                                                      Saturday 22 May 2021

Season Cards 2020/21

Season Card Holders

The Club has and is going through unprecedented times which is impacting upon us financially but given the recent announcement that the 2020/21 season has been curtailed, we feel it’s only fair to offer our season ticket holders the opportunity to be reimbursed for the monies they have spent on Season Tickets.

If you purchased a Season Card and want to be reimbursed then the Club will repay you 75% of the sum that you paid for your card. This represents the amount of games that unfortunately you didn’t get to attend.

The Club, as you are probably aware has the chance to progress in the Vase and we will look to go as far as we can but the financial realities are that to progress will cost the Club even more money. Particularly in the next few rounds as we don’t expect any spectators will be allowed to attend.

Whilst you are under no obligation to do so, we would like to give you the opportunity to waive your rights to your money back to help the Club on our march to Wembley and to support us through this difficult time. In return for this fantastic gesture we will gift you a Seat for Life in our new stand.

Can you please get in touch via email at and confirm your bank details for a refund or which details you would like on your Seat for Life.

Note this offer only applies to Season Ticket holders who paid full price for a Season Card at adults, child or concessions including Livin Housing tenants. It does not apply to people who won a Season Card through competitions etc, or Platinum Card Holders

Announcement on the 2020-21 FA Vase

Further to the announcement from The FA today ( we write to confirm that it is the intention that The Buildbase FA Vase shall continue, on the basis that the road map is implemented as set out by the Government earlier this week.

We are currently liaising with the relevant parties with regards to a revised schedule for the Competition and will communicate this along with other details (such as emergency Rule amendments or modifications) as soon as these have been finalised. Please note that due to time limitations, the Competition will resume at the earliest opportunity (meaning that all Clubs should be prepared to resume playing FA Vase fixtures in early April) to ensure that all remaining fixtures can be played and the Competition can be completed in its usual format.

The FA 2020-21 Season Announcement

An update on Steps 3-6 of the NLS

The FA’s Alliance and Leagues Committees have now considered the large amount of data and information submitted by clubs across the National League System (NLS) Steps 3-6 as part of a survey to gather views on the continuation or conclusion of the 2020-21 league season, in addition to the information set out in the Government’s roadmap this week.

Submissions were made by 99.1% of clubs at Steps 3 and 4, and 95.8% of clubs at Steps 5 and 6. We would like to thank the clubs for submitting their views and the time taken in providing responses during what we appreciate is an incredibly challenging period for everyone. The results of the survey showed that over 76% of all clubs across Steps 3-6 indicated a preference to curtail the 2020-21 league season if it could not be restarted with limited spectator numbers and hospitality before 1 April 2021.

During this process, taking into account views of clubs and leagues it was decided that extending the 2020-21 league season beyond the end of May 2021 would not be a viable option. This was due to various considerations, including the financial implications for many clubs, player contracts and the extent of the fixture scheduling issues caused by the national lockdown and various postponements which had resulted in there being 81% of matches left to complete for Steps 3 and 4, and 75% at Steps 5 and 6.

Taking into account the survey results and the ongoing impact of Covid-19, which continues to adversely affect incomes for clubs due to restrictions on both spectators and hospitality, The FA’s Alliance and Leagues Committees have reached a consensus that subject to the approval of FA Council, the 2020-21 league season for Steps 3-6 of the NLS should be curtailed with immediate effect, with no further league matches taking place this season.

The Committees will now present their collective recommendations to The FA Council for ratification.

It has also been decided that subject to FA Council’s decision regarding the curtailment of the season at Steps 3 to 6, both committees will revisit discussions around a potential restructure at Steps 4-6 of the NLS, which was previously agreed and has been on hold since the 2019-20 season. A further update on this will be provided in due course.

How the Northern League Voted

Shildon AFC Statement on the 2020/21 Season

Shildon AFC Statement – 2020/21 Season

Shildon AFC have given careful consideration to the options contained within the FA’s survey which was issued on 15 January and confirm that we have chosen to cease playing football this season but for the season to be continued from early August 21, if not before.

Chairman David Dent said “ It now looks inevitable that the season will not restart in time for the present season to be concluded in May.

There is no guarantee that there won’t be any restrictions in place next season and for the integrity of football we believe that the current season should re-commence in early August or before if restrictions can be relaxed.

We have had one season classed as null and void, a season which in hindsight would now have been concluded, allowing the National League restructure to take place. We should give ourselves every opportunity to make sure that doesn’t happen again and starting a whole new season again in our opinion represents a significant risk.

This would allow the hard work and efforts of our players, Management and volunteers over this season to be acknowledged, the League campaign to be finished safely with hopefully unrestricted crowds by next May, allowing the restructure to take place and this seasons and last years FA Vase to be concluded.

We are an ambitious Club and this option obviously gives us the opportunity to realise our ambitions sooner but I think everyone who values the integrity of football will have similar views to ours “

Happy New Year from Everyone at Shildon AFC

We would like to wish all supporters, volunteers, committee members, players and sponsors a very Happy New Year from everyone at Shildon Football Club. 

Thank you for your continued support during 2020 in what was a year like no other. We hopefully look forward to seeing you all when our gates at Dean Street are allowed to be opened once again.

All the Best.

Update from Northern League

With the news of County Durham moving into Tier 4, we have received today from Kevin Hewitt, Secretary of the Ebac Northern League the following email.

“Although the LMC meeting planned for Monday 4th January 2021 will still go ahead as planned and consider what options, if any, may be available for the rest of the season I will, following the announcement by the Government earlier today of the changes which will place more than 90% of clubs in the league under Tier 4 restrictions, take this opportunity to issue the FA’s Statement of 19th December 2020 regarding such areas:”


An update for ‘Non-Elite’ football in England following latest Covid-19 Tier 4 restrictions

Further to the government’s announcement this evening with regards to the introduction of Tier 4 areas and the latest information on Covid-19, football for adult participants across ‘non-elite’ football in Tier 4 areas is not permitted, including all training and fixtures.

This immediate advice in place from 20 December applies to the following aspects of ‘non-elite’ football in England in Tier 4 areas:

· Steps 3-6 of the National League System [NLS];

· Tiers 3-7 of the Women’s Football Pyramid [WFP];

· Regional NLS Feeder Leagues;

· The Barclays FA WSL Academy League;

· FA Girls Regional Talent Clubs [unless under elite status]

· Indoor and outdoor adult grassroots football.

· The Vitality Women’s FA Cup is currently classified as ‘non-elite’ at this stage in the competition.

The Government’s Tier 4 guidance states organised outdoor sport for under 18s and disabled people will be allowed. The Government’s guidelines on travel between Tiers should be adhered to. These players cannot move in or out of Tier 4 to train or play.

The Government’s Tier 4 guidance confirms that elite sportspeople (and their coaches if necessary, or parents/guardians if they are under 18) are able to compete and train.

It is extremely important that clubs, players, coaches, match officials, league officials, volunteers, parents, carers, and facility providers in Tiers 1-3 (and permitted football in Tier 4) continue to strictly follow both the UK Government’s latest guidance on COVID-19 and respective bespoke guidance documents from the FA. Any incidents of non-compliance will be reported to the local County Football Association.

If there are any further updates from Government we will communicate these in due course.