Author: Martyn Tweddle

Construction Works at Dean Street

There are currently building works being undertaken at Dean Street to replace the perimeter fencing.

This means that there are a number of excavations around the ground.

There have been a several instances recently where children have been accessing the ground – this is obviously unsafe for them and causes issues for the club, particularly damage to the pitch. 

Please ensure that you remind children that Dean Street is private property and is currently unsafe to access unsupervised.

Thank you.

Support for Veterans United Against Suicide

Shildon AFC are keen to recognise and support the work of this cause.  They are a group of UK & US veterans that are committed to ending veterans suicide and campaign for better services and treatment for our Veterans.

In support of our veterans we would like to offer a 25% reduction in admission price for any of our home games at Dean Street (upon production of a valid veterans ID card).

We would also like to offer the opportunity for any veterans to attend our weekly Coffee Mornings which are held on a Monday from 10:00hrs to 12:00hrs here at Dean Street.

Support for veterans is availble from here:


FA Cup & Trophy Fixtures Confirmed


Shildon AFC today received confirmation of the draw for the FA Cup and FA Trophy:


Emirates FA Cup – Extra Preliminary Round – 7th August 2021

Shildon AFC vs Garforth Town FC


Emirates FA Cup Preliminary Round – 21st August 2021

Shildon AFC or Garforth Town AFC vs Brighouse Town FC


Buildbase FA Trophy Second Qualifying Round-  9th October 2021

Cleethorpes Town FC vs Shildon AFC


Further details can be found here:

Shildon AFC Over 40’s – Vacancies


Shildon AFC over 40s have recently been promoted to the third division of the over 40s league and are once again one of the favourites to get promoted.  To continue to improve we are looking to strengthen our team and have the following vacancies:

We are looking for a manager to take over team management with the ultimate aim of guiding the side to promotion to the second division.

Kit Person
We are looking for a kit person to wash the strip. The strip will be dropped off and collected on a weekly basis. Paid per wash.

If you are interested in either of these roles please contact Ian McMahon on 07414 081928.

Free Summer Holiday Activities

Livin, Shildon AFC and Jubilee Fields Community Centre are to provide free summer school holiday provision for children in Shildon and have developed two schemes:


Details regarding the Shildon AFC scheme (if you do wish to book in then your child/ren must be able to attend all four days) are below and sessions will be led by Christian Taylor and our very own Ben Trotter and Aidan Heywood will host sessions – please email Carolyn at:



The details for the Jubilee Fields Community Centre scheme can be found below, but note the day and times you can only book places.

 –   6 sessions will be taking place on Tuesday 27th July, Wednesday 28th July, Tuesday 3rd August, Wednesday 4th August, Tuesday 10th August & Wednesday 11th August. Times for all dates are from 10am to 12:30pm

 –   Age range: 5-13 years

 –   Sessions are FREE

 –   The sessions will involve a range of activities which include arts & crafts, creative play & physical sport which is being supported by a sports coach from the Foundation of Light. 

 –   A healthy snack will be provided mid-morning along with a packed lunch at lunchtime.

To register your child’s interest & reserve a place please contact the centre direct on 01388 775425 on Thursday 8th July between the hours of 3pm & 6pm.

Hopefully we can all help your child/ren to have a fun filled summer.

Planning Application – APPROVED

Shildon AFC are delighted to announce that we have received this morning planning approval from Durham County Council for the construction of a community garden at Dean Street.

The plans include the construction of a community garden including seating areas, pergolas, toilet block, and refreshments hut, providing an exciting open-air facility for the local community.

The Club were successful in bidding for a £25,000 product bursary from Buildbase as part of their Community Club Award programme for the constuction of the gardern.  The bursary covers building, electrical and hire materials and the bid was awarded by a panel of judges Buildbase and the FA.

Work now begins on putting the plans into action and the Club hope to begin construction late summer 2021.


Membership Applications


The Supporters Club will be holding membership recruitment events at the following home games:

Tuesday 6th July 2021 – Shildon AFC vs Whickham AFC

Saturday 10th July 2021 – Shildon AFC vs Bishop Auckland FC

Application forms will be available and can be completed at each event.  Alternatively, you can download an application form from here Membership Application Form and bring it along with you.

As a result of the membership’s vote to adopt a formal constitution, membership of the Shildon AFC Supporters Club is now charged on an annual basis. Membership is £5 Adults (over 18) and £3 juniors (under 18).  Only current members will be able to vote at the club AGM. The renewal date for membership is the month of September.

Further details on the supporters club are available here:   Supporters Club WebPage


Emirates FA Cup 2021/22 – Update

Following correspondence received today from the Football Association (FA) we can confirm the position with regard to the FA Cup for the 2021/222 Season.

The FA had previously indicated that there would be 21 Step 4 Clubs, that are not exempt to the Preliminary Round and will instead enter the Competition in the Extra Preliminary Round, this would comprise of three clubs from five of the Step 4 Leagues and two Clubs from the other three Step 4 Leagues.

We can confirm that Shildon AFC has been accepted into the competition and will start in the extra preliminary round.  The draw for the first two rounds of the competition will be held on 9th July 2021.  Dates for each of the rounds have also been published and are listed below.

Extra Preliminary Round – Saturday 7 August 2021
Preliminary Round – Saturday 21 August 2021
First Round Qualifying – Saturday 4 September 2021
Second Round Qualifying – Saturday 18 September 2021
Third Round Qualifying – Saturday 2 October 2021
Fourth Round Qualifying – Saturday 16 October 2021
First Round Proper – Saturday 6 November 2021
Second Round Proper – Saturday 4 December 2021
Third Round Proper – Saturday 8 January 2022
Fourth Round Proper – Saturday 5 February 2022
Fifth Round Proper – Wednesday 2 March 2022
Quarter-Final – Saturday 19 March 2022
Semi-Final – Saturday 16 April 2022
Final – Saturday 14 May 2022

Further information on the competition can be found here: